the way of recycling

Hello there! (^^)/

First of all, let me thank you for reading my blog, I started to write with no expectation, imagine my surprise getting likes and followers. Thank you, hope you’ll enjoy the next posts. 🙂

I’ll carry on with the recycling topic, and more specifically about a Japanese town called Hirosaki in the North of the country.

I’d like to point out that Japan’s already famous for their recycling system and stand as a cool example of what can be done to ensure more respect to the environment. The examples are numerous, let me start with this particular fact: there are trash cans for recycling plastic, metal, glass and paper (in the shape of the matching garbage) in every train/subway stations or in front of every supermarket or conbini (convenience store).

On the streets there are no trash cans, and weirdly, the streets are so clean! Japanese people wait till they’re home to dispose of their garbage, unless it’s recyclable, they use these trash cans.

Now, Hirosaki is quite particular as the town recycles up to 14 kinds of garbage! They hold a record in the country and “probably in the whole world” proudly claims the town council.

Everyday, Hirosaki citizens sort out thoroughly their garbage into these categories and subcategories: paper (magazines/newspaper are tied out together in a pile, miscellaneous papers…), cans (aluminium, steel, regular metal cans), bottles (colored, colorless), carton and cardboard boxes (milk or juice cartons must be washed and flat), miscellaneous plastic (like egg boxes, plastic soup bowls, chips bags…), “clean burnable trash” (like old clothes or stuffed animals), big items (wooden furniture, bicycles, mattresses…), or even baby diapers!

Anywhere else in Japan, garbage are divided into 2 to 4 categories, from burnable/non-burnable, to plastic/metal/glass/paper. Everywhere, a “garbage police” makes sure you’re sorting out your garbage well. If it’s not properly done, you could get a fine.

Neighbors keep a watch too on everyone’s recycling habits.

Here’s a pamphlet from any city hall in Japan.


You might think this is quite a lifestyle… But Hirosaki citizens pay a particular attention to this task. Especially when they have lands all around to take care of, or the “apple trees valley”. The area’s well-known for their apple production as they feed 70% of the population.

They got used to this way of recycling, helping companies to store and deal with garbage. Incineration becomes then less polluting by being more strict.

A small act for a greater good. 🙂

Here’s an article on the town’s recycling system by a Hirosaki citizen. And another one from a journalist in French language.

Failing at putting out the trash. :p

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